Minggu, 15 November 2009

ayo maju terus greenpeace..

Akhir-akhir ini kita di kejutkan dengan penahanan aktivis pecinta lingkungan greenpeace di semenanjung kampar riau..gara-garanya para aktivis ini hanya ingin melindungi hutan indonesia dari kerusakan yang di buat oleh PT.Riau andalan pulp and paper,

Senin, 09 November 2009

mari hijaukan dengan berbisnis online

banyak sekali cara kita membuat agar lingkungan kita tidak tercemar dengan sampah-sampah yang berserakan dimana-mana, jika anda seorang pengusaha atau pedagang, pasti tidak luput dari yang namanya limbah, limbah yang di kelola dengan baik dan benar tidak akan merusak lingkungan secara serius, namun jika anda mengabaikan dan meremehkan  masalah sampah, berarti anda telah menyumbang pada bumi ini suatu bibit kehancuran. bagaimana agar anda dapat berbisnis dengan aman tanpa mengotori lingkungan anda, salah satunya dengan berbisnis online, bagi sebagian orang bisnis ini sudah bayak di jumpai di dunia maya, namun untuk sebagian orang masih banyak juga yang blum paham apa itu bisnis online, berikut sedikit tentang bisnis online:

mari contoh negara yang satu ini..

MExico - Pada saat naik Metrobús di Mexico City, pekan lalu, dari dalam bus tampak mencolok sebuah jalur khusus bercat merah di tengah jalan raya yang padat kendaraan. Jalur selebar dua meter itu kadang- kadang melintasi median jalan, bahu jalan, taman, bahkan trotoar atau pedestrian. Jalur khusus itu tidak lain adalah jalur sepeda atau bicicleta. Di setiap persimpangan jalur terpasang rambu tanda larang bagi kendaraan lain, kecuali pejalan kaki dan pesepeda. Jalur itu tampak lengang, hanya sesekali beberapa orang bersepeda melintas.

Minggu, 08 November 2009

gumpalan es seluas singapura mulai runtuh akibat memanasnya suhu

TROMSOE, - Es seluas hampir seukuran Kota New York lepas dari beting es Kutub Selatan menjadi gumpalan-gumpalan es mengapung (iceberg) bulan ini. Hal itu terjadi setelah runtuhnya sebuah jembatan es yang diperkirakan karena pemanasan global, menurut seorang ilmuwan hari Selasa (28/4).
”Bidang es utara dari Beting Es Wilkins menjadi tidak stabil dan gumpalan es mengapung pertama telah terlepas,” kata Angelika Humbert, ahli gletser pada Universitas Muenster di Jerman, menuturkan soal gambar-gambar beting itu dari satelit Badan Ruang Angkasa Eropa.

perternakan hasilkan 51% gas rumah kaca

Jogjakarta- World Watch Institute, dalam laporan yang dirintis Watch Magazine Edisi November/Desember 2009 menyebut bahwa peternakan bertanggung jawab atas sedikitnya 51 persen penyebab gas rumah kaca global. Ini bukan lagi lampu kuning melainkan sudah lampu merah.

satu suara iwan fals untuk hutan

"Hari baru datang menjelang
Kehidupan terus berjalan
Pohon-pohon jadikan teman
Kehidupan agar tak berhenti
Buka hatimu, rentangkan tanganmu
Bumi luas terbentang
Satukan hati, tanam tak henti
Pohon untuk kehidupan
Alam lestari, hidup tak bakal berhenti
Sampai esok kiamat tiba
Tanam pohon jangan berhenti."

Pemanasan global mempengaruhi ekosistem terumbu karang

Jakarta; Pemanasan Global yang terjadi belakangan ini semakin mengkhawatirkan. Namun apakah pemanasan global juga mempengaruhi ekosistem yang ada di bawah air? Banyak cara yang bisa kita lakukan untuk menjaga kelestarian lingkungan di sekitar kita, salah satunya seperti yang di lakukan beberapa siswa berikut ini:

Jumat, 06 November 2009

Lilin Bisa Jadi Sumber Polusi Udara

Jakarta, Lilin memiliki manfaat yang beragam seperti pengganti cahaya saat mati lampu, bisa memberikan aroma terapi bahkan untuk menciptakan suasana romatis saat makan malam atau candle light dinner dengan pasangan. Tapi tahukah Anda bahwa lilin yang dibuat dari bahan parafin bisa menjadi sumber polusi udara.

Menyalakan lilin yang terbuat dari bahan parafin paling sering digunakan dalam ruangan tertutup yang memunculkan kesan romantis, kehangatan dan wangi, ternyata bisa menjadi sumber polusi udara di dalam ruangan yang belum banyak diketahui orang. Peneliti melaporkan bahwa polusi udara yang dihasilkan salah satunya dikenal sebagai karsinogenesis.

Selasa, 03 November 2009

Tips Weight Loss Success

For those of you who are overweight (obesity), I wanted to share a story about a book I read, "FOR MENU PLANNING PENDERITA overweight", written by Ir. Susi Purwati, Dr. dr. Sri Rahayuningsih, M. Sc, and Ir. Salimar. In the book there are simple tips for anyone who wants to succeed in order to lose weight healthily. These tips are as follows:

    1. Write down what and why we eat and drink today? Is eating because of hunger, stress, or boredom? Include the hours, the amount eaten, and in today's activities. Evaluation of these eating habits in the morning.
    2. Determine hours of eating and eat slowly. Do not eat in a hurry because it will look like people are hungry and lost control, or will eat more food than your body needs.
    3. Reduce consumption of calories by 500-1000 calories / day. In theory if we reduce the calorie consumption of 500 calories per day, then we will lose weight 500 grams per week for 500 grams equivalent to 3500 calories.
    4. Distribution of calories that are estimated to make our activities daily, such as 500-calorie breakfast, lunch, 500 calories, 200 calories snacks, and dinner 500 calories.
    5. Get used to eat sitting down. Do not get eaten while standing and talking as this can cause uncontrolled amount of food.
    6. At the time of eating, focus on food (give more attention to the food). Do not eat snacks (snack) while watching TV or movies, reading books, etc. so that we know the number and type of food eaten.
    7. Do not mind people saying "love" when food is not consumed.
    8. Eat slowly so that we can enjoy what is eaten.
    9. Do not take food too much, get used to take food with small portions.
   10. Do not get used to eat at the restaurant or outside the home. If forced to eat at a restaurant, do not like to eat snacks while waiting for the orders of food served.
   11. Avoid eating snacks, replace snacks with fruit. If you must eat, choose a light snack (low calorie).
   12. During the holidays, do not get used to bring (buy) more food than is needed because it will encourage us to eat.
   13. Expand eat vegetables and fresh fruits.
   14. Intend to not add to food.
   15. Reduce eating dessert.
   16. Expand drinking water.
   17. Reduce consumption of foods that are fried or cooked with coconut milk.
   18. Eat less meat or chicken fat, do not eat chicken skin.
   19. Do not go straight to bed after dinner, at least one hour.
   20. Eat a light dinner.
   21. Exercise regularly.
   22. Do not eat when you're cooking (try to distinguish between trying dishes with food tasting).
   23. At the party, try to drink more often held that the tendency to hold the snack less.
   24. Do not like to put food on the table, desk, or desk. When finished eating, keep all the remaining food in the cupboard or the kitchen.

If you are interested in the topic of how to lose weight, you can read another article written ever on this site is Healthy Diet Blood Match. Hopefully these tips useful for us all.
> tukar

Global Warning of Global Warming

The following statements are likely to make us jerk and stared. He said: "The statement that global warming is real nonsense. The statement was repeated by activists to convince both the public scare that climate change will be disastrous, and the main cause is people activity. "Sentence was pronounced U.S. senators from the Republican, James Inhofe, who is also the Chairman of Environment and Public Works Committee U.S. Senate, a year ago.

The statement was reinforced by the statement of NASA Director Michael Griffin in an interview with a local radio in the U.S. recently, which shows the director's doubts that global warming is the biggest challenge that humans have to overcome. In the interview, excerpts of statements one of which Griffin is widely quoted, "The climate of the earth today is the best climate that we never had."

Is global warming really is the result of human activity that is too greedy to exploit the earth and careless maintain the natural balance? Is global warming and climate change is the most important thing that must be overcome man?

Inhofe presented a variety of facts and quotations that support his argument. According to him, the media played an important role in the issues that animate this is not true. He also expressed some penelusurannya of the report's leading media such as Newsweek, Time Magazine, The New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and also the journal Science News. Found, these media in the era of the 1900s it reported concerns about the coming ice age, not heating or melting of ice. Until the period 1920-1930's until the late 1970s, the leading media in the U.S. is still very vigorous preaching and report hazards earth changes into a ball of ice.

He also belittles the Kyoto Protocol, a protocol was signed by most countries on this earth underneath to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gases forming in which the U.S. refused to sign, as the agreement and the solution has no meaning in order to reduce emissions of harmful gases into the Earth's atmosphere. According to him, the most effective way to reduce these gases is the use of gas cleaning equipment and more efficient technologies for gas pressure is scattered into space.

But Inhofe claims that political motives could not dampen the global movement around the world that the threat of global warming is very real and must be fought from now by all parties. Inhofe, Republican politicians, as well as U.S. President George W. Bush is also Republican, certainly not in their interests disturbed disturbed because of the need to suppress greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. are largely produced from fossil-energy power plants (oil, coal).

Not only Inhofe and Bush is being "ignorant" to climate change. More than 17 thousand scientists - two thousand more of them are physicists, geofisikawan, climate experts, meteorologists, and environmentalists, who signed a petition circulated by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine in the U.S.. One sentence in the petition stated, "There is no scientific evidence that the release of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and gas-other greenhouse gases that cause acute warming of the earth temperature and damage to the Earth's climate."

In spite of the fact and a political statement expressed above, the following facts speak far more powerful and real, showing where the changes in the earth's climate will be headed and empty.

The facts

We start from a far with us, the Arctic Ocean. The ocean is largely recognized as the ocean ice. Scientists who studied the changes in sea ice this summer recorded an increase of two times faster than the warming at the global level. Since 1980, sea ice is located in the Arctic regions of Europe has melted between 20-30 percent.

Still in Europe, the mountains that had Alpens mostly snow covered with snow deposits decline severe. Eight of the nine areas of the glacier / glaciers show a significant degree of damage and within a century, has lost a third of the ice area.

Not only in Europe, the entire plateau in the world who have been known to have a tip of the iceberg melted, too. Snow on the highest mountain peak in Africa, Kilimanjaro, every month did not melt less than 300 cubic meters. Mount is located in Tanzania is suffering from severe snow baldness when comparing aerial photographs taken in 1974, 1990, and 2001. In the observation period of a century, the snow on top of the mountain melt until it reaches 82%. When the snow is no longer at home perched on top of the mountain, the mountain's name may have changed, because of Kilimanjaro in the local language means white mountain or mountain that glowed.

Let's move to the area that gave birth to many artists ball, South America. Snow in countries such as the high berdataran like Argentina, Peru, Chile also dropped dramatically. Andes Mountains, one of the world's snow paradise, experiencing snow melting at the top of the mountain which is very significant. Between the years 1963 to 1978, the snow melted on average 4 meters per year, and since 1995 until now, melting snow, reach speeds of 30.1 meters per year in the entire region containing the glacier. While in Venezuela, the country largest producer of Miss World, the 6 glaciers are owned by the country in 1972, now only two more, and will lose at least 10 years from now.

Consequences of the melting snow is the increased sea levels, first in the region. Brazilian football in the country, lost coastlines into the sea ranges from an average of 1.8 meters per year in the period between 1915 and 1950 and increased to 2.4 meters per year on a ten-year period between 1985-1995.

What happened in Asia, also in Indonesia, due to global warming? Similar to what happened in other continents, snow, snow in the highlands of Asia experienced a drastic melting and dramatic. Himalayas, the highest mountain in the world to be a bag of frozen water on the "roof of the sky" continues to lose snow consistently. Glacier-glacier in the Himalayas spread in countries such as India, Tibet, Bhutan, China, degraded very quickly. Seven major rivers in Asia-eyed water from the Himalayas namely Ganga, Indus, Brahmaputra, Mekong, Thanlwin, Yangtze and Yellow River threatened their existence resulting in hundreds of millions of people in the region along the flow of the rivers that.

Not only in the South Asia region, the snow in Central Asia also continued to disappear one by one. That happens in Puncak Jaya, Papua, the only high mountain areas in Indonesia that has snow. If aerial photographs in 1972 showed the top of the mountain which is almost entirely covered with snow, now only the top of the mountain contains a mere rocks and trees. That means no more snow there.

Melting ice uncovered in the new is part of what really happened. Based on the latest reports Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released last year 2007, 30 snow in the mountains around the world lost a thickness of more than half a meter up to the year 2005 alone. The last two years are not in the report.

Consequences and Risk

Since energy is conserved, this snow by itself is not lost and only changes form. Like ice in a glass, when he was hit by heat and melt, the volume of water is not reduced or increased, but only changed. Thus, the first consequence of rising temperatures that melted the snow, the earth and water deposits had been a growing increase in the water on the earth's surface. This increase can be detected in all corners of the earth and proven through a number of aerial photographs that compare an area in the past decades with contemporary conditions.

However, the consequences of rising global temperature is not that simple. Ecological changes that occur in an environment where humans and other living things live with the terrible effects for mankind. Laws of physics states, winds moving from a cold place to a warmer place. Well, the difference in temperature of a region with other areas of extreme at the same time has triggered hurricanes, storms, and tornadoes become more frequent than a few years ago. Countries in North America, Central, South and Caribbean, Europe, and South and East Asia have felt the impact of this hurricane. Typhoon which has the names of the beautiful people hit the whole earth is at once mournful and deadly.

Flow movement of water not only brings flood disaster, but also accompanied by landslides due to deforestation that took place every minute. In the same time, one side of the world is threatened by drought and fire, the other places hit by hurricanes, floods and landslides that hundreds of millions of miserable human beings.

Consequences on the Local Level
Drought in the area of Gunung Kidul, for example, may have become a fact that goes plural every year and has since tens of years it happened. However, water shortages experienced by residents in the slopes of Mount Merapi last five years, for example, of a new fact which shows how the water more difficult to obtain.

Difficulty vegetable farmers on the slopes of Mount Merbabu for example, is something that still sound familiar. Grojogan Sewu was still spilling water. But compared to fifteen years ago, for example, Grojogan it now has turned into nothing more than a shower. Some twenty years to come, he may just stay a trickle.

That's just from the scarcity of water. In terms of climate change, all cities and regions in Indonesia became the victim. In central Java, for example, Kaliurang in Jogjakarta, Tawangmangu in Karanganyar, or Bandungan in Semarang, now no longer visited by tourists because of the cool air and cold, but because kelatahan and the stigma attached terlanjut as a recreational area. That's it. In the past, in these areas is always a cold mist descended every morning throughout the year. Now, he could only be found several times throughout the year, and even then depends on the season.

At Puncak Jaya, Papua, the snow is no longer perched on the peak since a few years ago. This marks the end of the era of the existence of only one snowy areas in Indonesia. And this is well proved, that the earth is getting hot is not a trite but true fact of the actual.

Ironically, the situation is more hot air, and people looking for ways to cool them, but only for themselves. Air cooling is a pragmatic option for this, but it means the program can only be reached by a layer of middle class people up. The poor certainly can not escape from the heat.

Ironically, the use of air conditioners are more massive and intensive in most urban households accumulated earth bring forth the fact that more heat due to gases generated by air conditioners is not environmentally friendly. It had been so, the use of intensive air conditioning was also triggered increasing electricity demand growing, which again ironically, while electricity is produced using fossil fuels are not friendly to the environment and provide the largest contribution to global warming.

This vicious cycle leads clearly the poorest communities and do not have access to economic resources sufficient to be a victim. The number of people who increasingly excluded from this circle will undoubtedly continue to grow because of disagreement and agreement on concrete efforts to combat climate change is having an acute impasse.

Overview Global Warming, Effects And How To Prevent Global Warming World

We all know that global warming is happening. Melaporakn IPCC research that 0.15 to 0.3 o C. If the increase in temperature continues, estimated in the year 2040 (33 years from now) layer of ice at the poles of the earth will be melted down. And if the earth continues to heat up, in the year 2050 will there is a shortage of fresh water, so that famine would spread throughout the universe.

It will be very hot, millions of people fight over food and water. Breathing the smoke and dust. The houses in the coastal sea water submerged. Sea surge growing area, so that eventually swallowed whole island. Property will disappear, as well as human lives.

The results of studies conducted in the scientist in Regional Development Center Coastal and Marine, Institut Teknologi Bandung (2007), was no less terrible. Apparently, sea levels rose as high as Jakarta Bay 0.8 cm. If world temperatures continue to rise, it is estimated, in 2050 daera areas in Jakarta (such as: Kosambi, Penjaringan, and Cilincing) and Bekasi (such as: Muaragembong, Babelan, and Tarumajaya) will soak everything.

Well,,, we all already know it ... and some people keep trying to tell you that this really was happening ... but still not a few people who still do not care. Maybe because we still feel comfortable with the situation now ... can menikamti everything from food, water, air, land sukup to play ball, which is still quite social peace, etc ...

Well ... it now ... and what if 10 years or 20 years, or up to 30 years. I knew there would be a significant change this time because we all still consider this a normal thing, but I would be very foolish man if I do not keep trying to inform this.

So what can we do?

There are several ways that bias is easy to do, namely;

1. Turn off the electricity. (when not in use, do not leave electronic devices in standby. Unplug the charger tel. handful of outlets. Although electricity carbon emissions, power plants using fossil fuel emissions of major contributors).
2. Replace light bulbs (the type of CFL, according to electric power. Although somewhat expensive price, this lamp is more efficient and durable power).
3. Clean lamp (dust can reduce light levels up to 5%).
4. If forced to use AC (close doors and windows for air-conditioning running. Organize sufficiently cool temperatures, about 21-24o C).
5. Use a timer (to AC, microwave, oven, magic jar, etc.).
6. Divert waste heat to operate the AC machine water-heater.
7. Planting trees in your neighborhood.
8. Drying clothes outside. Wind and hot sun better than using the machine (dryer) is a lot of carbon emissions.
9. Use public transportation (to reduce air pollution).
10. Efficient use of paper (raw material derived from wood).
11. Say no to plastic. Almost all the waste plastic to produce harmful gases when burned. Or you can also help collect for recycling back.
12. Distribute news to the people around you, so that they take part in saving the earth.

And I'm sure you are smart enough to respond .... Thanks

create a beautiful home page

Become increasingly attractive pond with lotus and papyrus existence. Arranged around the edges rounded river stones, Irish plant, and nails boston. Beautify the corridor on it.

Beautify the park with a pool hall. The beauty of it is realized with a natural pond design and use of plants that are not dense.

12m pool area curve. At the edge of the pool round stone attached. Each stone berdiamter 10cm-0cm without coating to make it look natural. Among the piled stones of clay barrel. Mouth of a barrel of water flow into the pond.

Placed in the middle of the pond lotus plants (Nelumbo nucifera) and papyrus (papyrus cyperus). On the left side there are plants typha (typha angustifolia) in a clay pot. The third plant to balance the impression that rigid view and mempercantiknya concrete corridor.

On the right side of the pond plants lined the rocky Irish (irish.sp), nail boston (nephrolepsin exaltata), and one Japanese frangipani (adenium). All three became limiting the pool with a garden. There are also other plants, namely batavia (jathopha sp) and nuts (Arachis sp). While the pond depth 50cm, enough to koi, gold, and comets, are seen moving in and out quick here.

Swimming as a sweetening ingredient in the corridor and surrounding plants, creating a fresh atmosphere. The shape, materials, and supporting elements, naturally suggests a maximum. To build this pool of funds needed around $500.

Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

Looking to see how the Young People

Jakarta, How young people in choosing a friend? Is based on age, environmental or other social factors? It turned out that a teenager choose friends based on how its image in front of others.

Young people will choose friends according to how the image or images obtained by him from others, regardless of whether young children really meet the image of others or not.

"The young man thought of himself as an important factor in a friendship. But sometimes these friendships can lead someone to a negative direction as male or female wild into a depression," said Selfhout Maarten, a Dutch researcher, as quoted by ScienceDaily, Friday (31/10/2009).

The study involved 205 students who were undergoing first-level courses, students are required to answer questions online during the 4th month. Researchers reveal the image of his friends is more important than the actual characters themselves.

Young people tend to find friends who like himself, like looking for similarities in personality. People who consider themselves to be friendly and open (Extrovert) will find a friend like this character. In addition to music factors also play an important role, people will tend to make friends with who have the same taste in music so they can share.

Selfhout not only investigate how the development of friendship, but also how it influences their own friendship to young people. It turned out that friendship has a different effect between men and women.

The research found that criminal or violent behavior in males increases when friends with people who have problems with behavior, because men are more likely to be affected and have a great sense of solidarity.

While women are more at risk of depression if you have a friendship with a low quality, because women tend to use the feelings in every respect.

However, these influences do not affect each other between men and women. And what about you? What was sought and found in your friendship?

detikhealth source

Most Good Morning Day for Sports

Jakarta, Many people choose to exercise in the afternoon and evening because I wanted to avoid the heat or only have time at the moment. But according to research proved the best sport is in the morning. Want to know why?

Many people who have not realized that the exercise in the morning is very useful for overall fitness and weight-loss process. Although only exercise run or walk for 10 minutes every day, still can provide great benefits for the body.

To get the body healthy and fit does not have to be expensive and go to the gym. Many sports simple and cheap, but still healthy and can provide a great mafaat for the body.

Here's the benefits that can be obtained when exercising in the morning, as quoted from Health24, Saturday (31/10/2009):

1. Morning exercise can raise morale and keep your metabolism so it can burn more calories throughout the day. Based on research in the morning exercise can burn calories, 2 to 3 times more than any other time. It also can help regulate your appetite for moderation.

2. We sleep all the hormones involved in the increased activity, so the body will feel more active and fresh in the morning. Although only mild exercise walking distance great enough to resist fatigue. Also makes the mind is sharper for 4 to 10 hours after exercise and increased natural energy far more effective in the long run compared to a cup of coffee.

3. Improving the quality of sleep becomes more soundly throughout the night. If exercise at night makes a person become hard to sleep tonight in peace. Sport in the morning also helps regulate the body's biological clock to be normal.

4. Having a more regular exercise schedule because it has a bit of trouble. If you've used to get up early so there are no obstacles for not exercising, but if sports day or night may be mandapat disturbance to go with friends or are tired of working all day.

From now on there's nothing wrong took little time in the morning to do sports like running or just strolling around the yard.
detikhealth source/10/31/09

Struggle Against Pornography in China

Jakarta - A few days ago, gathered some 300 delegates from various parts of the ASEAN countries and China CERT (Computer Emergency and Response Team) to attend the annual conference and penggulangannya information security.

Representatives from ASEAN countries are Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia, while representatives from China almost all local government / provinces in China, ISPs, security companies and academics.

The most crucial agenda to be discussed at the conference this time was growing increasingly Cybercrime and the number of Internet users are increasingly frenzied. The participants realized that the world of the Internet such as sea salt, whatever bandwidth at low market penetration without rest, internet users really hungry for information from the Internet.

It is very surprising this time is China's Internet users reached 380 million users, exceeding the number of users anywhere in the world, China's population of about 1.5 billion, and these Internet users continues to grow like an octopus, and the government of China are very concerned to protect people and their youth.

A very unpopular government of China is pornography, they employ about 30,000 employees out to continuously update the database of filtering pornography, networking site Facebook, bloggers and some other accounts which they say the people of China need to be consumed. And it's been tried by the authors to search a variety of commonly accessed sites in Indonesia, all terblok.

Another thing discussed in this conference is the ceremony and preparation CNVD (China Vulnerability Database) which is required for site-owners of e-commerce sites such as the China Airlines, banking, finance, stock market services including central and local governments and others.

This was done as a standard-site presence of e-commerce site to operate properly and correctly, do not harm customers and can grow rapidly and continuously.

For ASEAN countries, China's government hopes to work together well, helping each other and protect / protection of each country from various crime Cybercrime, the government of China to realize input from delegates of ASEAN countries that the biggest attacks to Internet servers IP is from China and USA .

Internet user growth in the current menggurita, discussions with the delegations of ASEAN countries, said the average was triggered by the presence of devices and handsets that can connect to the Internet, such as mobile phones, netbooks, game player and so on, even 1 person can have 2 to 5 devices that can be used to connect to the Internet.

Even Hong Kong's local government to fund flushed HK $ 140 billion for the development of e-learning and Internet content for elementary and secondary education, primary school children are given 1 device / child for 5-inch netbook to connect to the internet, of course with a highly protectionist tight.

China's government ordered that the progress of a country can not be done without the active role of young people to stem the flow of information in this safety information, either from outside or inside, large losses would occur if there is no protection and good filtering, as well as the role of Indonesian government is expected to be able to take part to develop and cooperate with other countries in terms of information security and incident response.

Overview report of the international conference Information Security and Penggulangannya in Changsha, China, about 90 minutes flight from Hong Kong. Changsha (simplified) is the capital of Hunan, a province in south-central China, located in the Xiangjiang river, a branch of the Yangtze River.

source of detik.net/10/31/09

Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009







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    and others.





                                  How to play some of the same exact licks
                                  you've heard Jason execute flawlessly on your
                                  favorite albums. I'm talking about records from
                                  artists like Richard Smallwood, Kurt Carr, Judith
                                  McAllister, West Angeles Church of God In Christ
                                  Choir, Daryl Coley, Mary Mary, and others!





                                  The mindset of a "Ministry Musician"
    and how to avoid being a hindrance to
                                  your worship service by adhering to
                                  5 simple rules





                                  The keys to accompanying a soloist.
    Your job as an accompanist is not to
                                  lead, it's to support. Learn Jason's
                                  improvement strategies
    when it comes to
                                  backing up singers, choirs, and groups!






                                  Discover how to use the melody of ANY song
                                  to create chord voicings you never thought
                                  possible! Sometimes, the craziest chords come from
                                  using trial and error to find a chord that has the
                                  melody note on top. You'll learn Jason's system
                                  for doing this.





                                  Connect chords together with unorthodox
                                  "slide-ups," "bends,"

                                  "walk ups," "crossovers," and other techniques
                                  that nobody does! (That's why Jason commonly makes
                                  up his own names for the little nuances he
                                  utilizes in his playing that you can't find taught
                                  in your traditional music class).





                                  Abolish those same old chords forever!
    Learn Jason's special voicings for major,
                                  minor, dominant, augmented, and various altered
                                  chords. You'll be amazed at how simple these
                                  voicings are once you know what you're doing!





                                  much more...




                            I'm excited! Take me to the website!


                            I know you'll enjoy what we have in store
                            for you!

                            All the best,




                            here to learn more







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Senin, 19 Oktober 2009

mARK zuckerberg - pendiri facebook

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg lahir di kawasan bernama Dobbs Ferry, Westchester County, kota New York.Anak dari Edward dan Karen Zuckerberg. Ia adalah anak kedua dari empat bersaudara dari orang tua pasangan dokter gigi - ­psikiater. Sejak kecil Zuckerberg suka mengu­tak-atik komputer, mencoba berbagai program komputer dan belajar membuatnya. Ayahnya sendiri membelikannya komputer sejak ia beru­sia delapan tahun. Saat di sekolah menengah Phillips Exeter Academy, ia dan rekannya, D'Angelo, membuat plug-in untuk MP3 player Winamp. Plug-in adalah program komputer yang bisa berinteraksi dengan aplikasi host seperti web browser atau email untuk keperluan tertentu.

Zuckerberg dan D'Angelo membuat plug-in untuk menghimpun kesukaan orang terhadap aneka jenis lagu dan kemudian membuat play­list-nya sesuai selera mereka. Mereka mengirimkan program itu ke berbagai perusahaan termasuk ke AOL (American Online) dan Microsoft. Pada tahun terakhimya di Phillips ia direkrut oleh Microsoft dan AOL untuk suatu proyek.

Saat melanjutkan sekolah ke perguruan ting­gi keduanya harus berpisah. D'Angelo masuk Caltech sedangkan Zuckerberg masuk Harvard. Di Harvard inilah Zuckerberg menemukan ide membuat buku direktori mahasiswa online karena universitasnya tak membagikan face book (buku mahasiswa yang memuat foto dan identitas mahasiswa di universitas itu) pada mahasiswa baru sebagai ajang pertemanan di antara mereka. Namun setiap kali ia menawarkan diri membuat direktori itu, Harvard menolaknya. "Mereka mengatakan punya alasan untuk tidak mengumpulkan informasi (mahasiswa) ini," ujar Zuckerberg kemudian.

Meski ditolak ia selalu mencari cara untuk mewujudkannya. "Saya ingin menunjukkan kalau hal itu bisa dilakukan," lanjutnya soal kengototannya membuat direktori itu.
Proyek pertamanya adalah CourseMatch (www.coursematch.com) yang memungkinkan teman-teman sekelasnya berkomunikasi satu sama lain di website tersebut. Suatu malam di tahun kedua ia kuliah di Harvard, Zuckerberg menyabot data mahasiswa Harvard dan memasukkannya ke dalam website yang ia buat bernama Facemash. Sejumlah foto rekan mahasiswanya terpampang di situ. Tak lupa ia membubuhkan kalimat yang meminta pengun­jungnya menentukan mana dari foto-foto ini yang paling "hot". Pancingannya mengena. Dalam tempo empat jam sejak ia meluncurkan webiste itu tercatat 450 orang mengunjungi Facemash dan sebanyak 22.000 foto mereka buka. Pihak Harvard mengetahuinya dan sambungan internet pun diputus. Zuckerberg diperkarakan karena dianggap mencuri data. Anak muda berambut keriting ini pun meminta maaf kepada rekan-rekan yang fotonya masuk di Facemash. Tetapi ia tak menyesali tinda­kannya. "Saya kira informasi seperti itu harus tersedia (online)," ujamya.

Alih-alih kapok ia malah membuat website baru dengan nama Facebook (www.thefacebook.com). Website ini ia luncurkan pada Februari 2004. Facebook merupakan penyempurnaan dari Facemash. Sasarannya tetap sebagai tempat pertemuan sesama mahasiswa Harvard. Dalam penjelasan di website-nya sekarang disebutkan bahwa Facebook adalah suatu alat sosial untuk membantu orang berko­munikasi lebih efisien dengan rekan, keluarga, atau rekan kerjanya. Facebook menawarkan navigasi yang mudah bagi para penggunanya. Setiap pemilik account punya ruang untuk memajang fotonya, teman-temannya, network, dan melakukan hal lainnya seperti bisa berkirim pesan dan lain sebagainya.

Banyaknya aplikasi yang bisa digunakan oleh anggotanya membuat Facebook digan­drungi banyak orang. Konon hingga saat ini sudah lebih dari 20.000 aplikasi dimasukkan ke dalam Facebook yang bisa digunakan para anggotanya. Setidaknya 140 aplikasi baru ditambahkan ke Facebook setiap harinya dan 95% pemilik account Facebook telah menggu­nakan minimal satu aplikasi.

Penyertaan banyak aplikasi ini membuat Facebook berbeda dengan website jejaring sosial terdahulu seperti MySpace. Lalu orang berbondong-bondong mengunjungi website­nya dan mendaftar jadi anggotanya. Dalam waktu dua minggu setelah diluncurkan, separuh mahasiswa Harvard sudah memiliki account di Facebook. Ternyata tak hanya mahasiswa Harvard yang tertarik, beberapa kampus di sekitar Harvard pun meminta dimasukkan dalam jejaring Facebook. Ini membuat Zuckerberg kewalahan. Ia lalu meminta bantuan dua temannya untuk ikut mengem­bangkan Facebook. Dalam tempo empat bulan Facebook sudah bisa menjaring 30 kampus. Hingga akhir 2004 jumlah pengguna Facebook sudah mencapai satu juta.

Pengguna Facebook terus meningkat. Malah ada sejumlah orang yang tak lagi jadi mahasiswa atau yang masih di sekolah ingin bergabung. Tingginya desakan ini membuat Zuckerberg dan kawan-kawan memutuskan Facebook membuka jaringan untuk para siswa sekolah menengah (di sini SMU) pada Sep­tember 2005. Tak lama kemudian mereka juga membuka jejaring para pekerja kantoran. Kesibukan yang luar biasa ini membuat Zuckerberg harus memutuskan keluar dari Harvard. "Apa yang saya inginkan sudah ada di tangan. Saya tidak ingin punya ijazah kemudian bekerja. Menurut saya, pekerjaan hanyalah untuk orang-orang yang lemah," ujarnya pada Majalah Current.
Zuckerberg dan kawan-kawan kemudian mengembangkan Facebook lebih jauh lagi. Pada September 2006 Facebook membuka pendaftaran untuk jejaring umum dengan syarat memiliki email. Sejak itulah jumlah anggota Facebook melesat.

Saat ini jumlah anggota aktifnya mencapai 70 juta di seluruh dunia. Jejaring yang dihim­punnya mencapai enam juta jaringan (ke­lompok pertemanan) meliputi 55.000 jaringan berdasarkan demografi, pekerjaan, sekolah, kolegial, dan sebagainya. Setiap harinya ada 14 juta foto di-upload (dimasukkan ke Facebook). Dan dalam hal jumlah trafik pengakses Facebook menjadi website teraktif ke-6 di dunia dan menjadi website jejaring sosial kedua terbesar versi camScore.

Jual Saham Jadi Kaya

Jumlah anggota Facebook yang jutaan or­ang itu menjadi tambang emas yang meng­giurkan. Zuckerberg dan kawan-kawan pun menangkap peluang bisnis yang besar. Karena itu ketika jumlah user-nya melebihi satu juta mereka menggandeng Accel Part­ners, perusahaan modal ventura, untuk membiayai pengembangannya. Modal yang ditanamkan adalah US$ 12,7 juta. Ini adalah investasi kedua yang masuk ke Facebook setelah sebelumnya (Juni 2004) men­dapatkan dan dari pendiri PayPal sebesar US$ 500.000. Pembenahan pertama dengan tambahan modal itu adalah dengan meng­ganti domain-nya dari www. thefacebook. corn menjadi www.facebook.com pada Agustus 2005. Setelah itu jangkauan keanggotaannya diperluas menjadi internasional. Hingga Desember 2005 jumlah anggotanya sudah mencapai 5,5 juta.

Meski jumlah user-nya meningkat tajam pada tahun 2005 disebutkan Facebook menga­lami kerugian sampai US$ 3,63 juta. Facebook kemudian mendapatkan dana sebesar US$ 25 juta dari Greylock Partners dan Meritech Capi­tal Partners. Dana itu digunakan untuk meluncurkan versi mobile-nya.

Pada September 2007 Microsoft melakukan pendekatan dan menawarinya membeli 5% saham senilai sekitar US$ 300 juta hingga US$ 500 juta. Jika nilai itu disetujui maka nilai kapitalisasi Facebook sudah mencapai US$ 6 miliar hingga US$ 10 miliar atau sekitar Rp 54 triliun hingga Rp 90 triliun. Namun Microsoft akhirnya mengumumkan hanya membeli 1,6% saham Facebook dengan nilai US$ 240 juta pada Oktober 2007. Transaksi ini menunjukkan nilai kapitalisasi Facebook ternyata lebih tinggi yaitu sekitar US$ 15 miliar (sekitar US$ 135 triliun).
 Setelah itu sejumlah tawaran mengepung Facebook. Li Ka-shing disebut-sebut ikut menginvestasinya sekitar US$ 60 juta pada November 2007. Lalu ada berita yang menyebutkan Viacom, Yahoo, Google, dan sebagainya pun ikut menawar untuk membeli Facebook. Sejauh ini Zackerberg me­ngatakan Facebook tak akan dijual.
Melesatnya bisnis Facebook membuat Zackerberg menampuk kekayaan yang luar biasa. Majalah Forbes menyebutkan kekayaan Zackerberg sendiri mencapai US$ 1,5 miliar atau sekitar Rp 13,5 triliun. Jangankan untuk anak seusia Zackerberg, untuk orang dewasa pun harta sebanyak itu tentu jumlah yang luar biasa besar. Maka wajar jika majalah itu menobatkannya sebagai The Youngest `Self-made' Billionaire on the Planet.
Prestasi yang diraih Zackerberg tak benar­-benar mulus. Sejumlah perkara ia dapatkan sehubungan dengan Facebook. Termasuk dari rekannya di Harvard yang menyebutkan rancangan Facebook sebenarnya tiruan dari ConnectU. Namun Zackerberg tetap bergeming bahwa Facebook merupakan hasil karyanya. Meskipun ConnectU kalah dalam persidangan pertama, perusahaan ini mendaftarkan gugatan baru pada Maret 2008.

Kontroversi juga datang dari negara-negara seperti Myanmar, Bhutan, Syria, Arab Saudi, Iran dan sebagainya yang menyebutkan kalau Facebook mempromosikan serangan terhadap otoritas pemerintahannya sehingga akses terhadap Facebook di negara tersebut ditutup.

Di tengah sejumlah kontroversi itu, nama Facebook dan Mark Zackerberg tetap digan­drungi banyak orang. Zackerberg sendiri di tengah kepopuleran namanya dan jumlah kekayaan yang dimilikinya, ia tetap sederhana. Ia masih tinggal di apartemen sewaan dan di kamarnya hanya tersedia sebuah meja dan kursi. Kasurnya diletakkan di lantai. Kala datang ke kantornya di Palo Alto, Zackerberg kerap berjalan kaki atau mengendarai sepeda. Tak tampak sebagai miliuner (dalam US$ dol­lar, tentunya) atau triliuner (dalam rupiah).

Forbes mencatatnya sebagai milyarder termuda, atas usaha sendiri dan bukan karena warisan, yang pernah tercatat dalam sejarah. Kekayaannya ditaksir sekitar satu setengah miliar dolar Amerika.

Awal tahun 2009 Mark Zuckerberg mendapat penghargaan Young Global Leaders.

Usia Mark Zuckerberg baru 24 tahun, tetapi ia bisa menghasilkan 1,5 miliar dollar AS. Keberhasilan pria pendiri Facebook, salah satu situs jejaring sosial ternama di dunia, ini membuatnya nangkring dalam jajaran 400 orang terkaya di Amerika versi Forbes. Tidak hanya itu, dalam jajaran tersebut ia juga dinobatkan sebagai orang kaya yang paling muda.

Referensi :

- http://agniluthfi.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=95:mark- zuckerberg-pendiri-facebook&catid=51:biografi&Itemid=75

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