Selasa, 03 November 2009

Tips Weight Loss Success

For those of you who are overweight (obesity), I wanted to share a story about a book I read, "FOR MENU PLANNING PENDERITA overweight", written by Ir. Susi Purwati, Dr. dr. Sri Rahayuningsih, M. Sc, and Ir. Salimar. In the book there are simple tips for anyone who wants to succeed in order to lose weight healthily. These tips are as follows:

    1. Write down what and why we eat and drink today? Is eating because of hunger, stress, or boredom? Include the hours, the amount eaten, and in today's activities. Evaluation of these eating habits in the morning.
    2. Determine hours of eating and eat slowly. Do not eat in a hurry because it will look like people are hungry and lost control, or will eat more food than your body needs.
    3. Reduce consumption of calories by 500-1000 calories / day. In theory if we reduce the calorie consumption of 500 calories per day, then we will lose weight 500 grams per week for 500 grams equivalent to 3500 calories.
    4. Distribution of calories that are estimated to make our activities daily, such as 500-calorie breakfast, lunch, 500 calories, 200 calories snacks, and dinner 500 calories.
    5. Get used to eat sitting down. Do not get eaten while standing and talking as this can cause uncontrolled amount of food.
    6. At the time of eating, focus on food (give more attention to the food). Do not eat snacks (snack) while watching TV or movies, reading books, etc. so that we know the number and type of food eaten.
    7. Do not mind people saying "love" when food is not consumed.
    8. Eat slowly so that we can enjoy what is eaten.
    9. Do not take food too much, get used to take food with small portions.
   10. Do not get used to eat at the restaurant or outside the home. If forced to eat at a restaurant, do not like to eat snacks while waiting for the orders of food served.
   11. Avoid eating snacks, replace snacks with fruit. If you must eat, choose a light snack (low calorie).
   12. During the holidays, do not get used to bring (buy) more food than is needed because it will encourage us to eat.
   13. Expand eat vegetables and fresh fruits.
   14. Intend to not add to food.
   15. Reduce eating dessert.
   16. Expand drinking water.
   17. Reduce consumption of foods that are fried or cooked with coconut milk.
   18. Eat less meat or chicken fat, do not eat chicken skin.
   19. Do not go straight to bed after dinner, at least one hour.
   20. Eat a light dinner.
   21. Exercise regularly.
   22. Do not eat when you're cooking (try to distinguish between trying dishes with food tasting).
   23. At the party, try to drink more often held that the tendency to hold the snack less.
   24. Do not like to put food on the table, desk, or desk. When finished eating, keep all the remaining food in the cupboard or the kitchen.

If you are interested in the topic of how to lose weight, you can read another article written ever on this site is Healthy Diet Blood Match. Hopefully these tips useful for us all.
> tukar

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